Ball Jar Bouquet or Vase Bouquet Necklace
I have had an old glass Ball jar in my cabinet for as long as I can remember. The only purpose that old Ball jar has had was to hold bouquets of handpicked flowers and proudly display them where everyone could enjoy them. That Ball jar held flowers brought to me by my children when they were little, flowers gifted to me by friends from their own gardens, and flowers brought home from my husband when he knew I needed a little pick-me-up. I love this glass jar as much as I love the flowers we put in it.
How would you like to create your own vase with the flowers you love? Each of these flowers will be handmade from melted wire and sheets of recycled silver and carved by hand from scratch. Intention will be poured into each flower while I craft them for you. You will get to choose 5 flowers that are special to you, two leaf sprigs, and 3 gemstone stems. The photos below will show an example of the types of silver bouquets we could create together. Very intricate and difficult to make flowers may cost a bit more but we will discuss that together. You can choose for your bouquet to be made in a Ball jar or in a 4-sided decorative vase. The vase will come with floral foam that you can stick your flower stems into to keep them in position. After using the piece of floral foam a few times, you just scoop it out, and add another piece in to play again!
This necklace can be worn with the removable silver flowers or you can choose to create your own bouquet with live blooms! One possible favorite way is with freshly picked lavender flower buds within your Ball jar so that you can sniff them when needed throughout the day. Need a little calming during a hectic afternoon? Reach down, hold your necklace, and take a deep breath. Fresh colorful herbs are also a wonderful way to add contrast, scent, and mood boosting plants to your necklace. Variegated pineapple mint to perk you up, lemon verbena to refresh, tiny chamomile flowers to give a calming touch. With this necklace, you will start noticing how artistic dainty grasses and their seed heads really are. What is the smallest flower you can find in your backyard? You will be searching for the tiniest ferns your eyes can pick up. How about one single larger bloom of a bright happy daisy? You will find yourself getting creative with the natural world around you so that you can design a new bouquet every single day. The possibilities with this vase necklace are endless!
How about a gift for mom or yourself? Did you know that every month of the year has a birth flower or two associated with it? A bloom for you and your beloved, and then a bloom for each of your children. How about a bloom for your cat? *smile*
The Ball jar vase itself measures about 1.5 inches tall with the hanger on top. With the bouquet of silver flowers, it is just a tad bit higher. It will come on an 18 inch long sterling silver loop necklace chain. 10 stems total that include flowers, leaves, and the three gemstone twigs.
Once purchased, you and I will discuss your favorite plants and three favorite gemstones and we will start creating them together!
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